Friday, June 19, 2009

New Addition to the Blackmon Family

Today we added a new addition to our family....a new little kitty named Ace! Our next-door neighbor's friend's cat had kittens and she was needing to find homes for them. So we talked it over and decided we'd adopt one. He's very mellow for a kitten. We introduced him to Boomer and he only hissed a little bit, but then he calmly walked away and they just keep their distance from each other. It went pretty well and I think it might get even better over time.
Anyway, he's snoozing in my lap right now, which I absolutely LOVE! I'm so excited to have a nap partner!!! ;)
Introducing Ace!
Curled up in a magazine basket...

Fine dining...

Found a nice spot to hang out...underneath the coffee table!

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