Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Getting ready for the big recital

Of course my batteries died in the camera on the day when we could go in the studio and record the girls doing' their thang! So needless to say, I didn't get to record one song in two separate recordings but still didn't get the ending, which is the best part!

Also, the first song is their tap routine, but they had already changed into their jazz shoes when the moms came in, so they just did it in their jazz shoes. Not quite the same effect without all the noise!

Then to top it off once my batteries died, I recorded her jazz routine with my cell phone but the quality stinks! Oh, well, it was just an all-around bad camera experience! But the girls looked great! :)

I can't wait to see them dance all dolled up in their costumes! Hopefully I'll get to record them next week during dress rehearsal.

** Here's the first part of "Don't Nobody Bring Me No Bad News" from The Wiz...tap routine (w/o tap shoes)!!! **

** Another little clip from tap routine. **

** Jazz routine to "Kung Fu Fighting." **