Wednesday, June 17, 2009


June has been a fun month with LOTS of baseball. Brody made All-Stars at Town & Country. Their team is the Jackhammers. The boys had their nicknames put on the backs of their shirts...Brody decided on B-Rod! His buddies Hunter and Jackson are on his team, too, which makes it even that much more cool!

I don't have a lot of action shots or video yet...will work on that the next couple of weekends. Here's what I have so far!

On our way to a game...
Listening to Coach Tony before the game....

Wearing that eye black like Uncle Chris and Uncle Corey!

Nice group shot and then...

... getting pelted with Coach Tony's water gun! Boy, that probably felt good considering it was close to 100 degrees out that day!!! :)

It's Hammer Time!!!!

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