Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Summer Water Park Fun

Last week we finally went out to Rock 'N River water park in Old Settlers Park! It's a nice little park...of course, it's not Schlitterbahn, but it's close to home, cheap, and a nice change from just the regular ol' pool! :) Here are some pics of the kids having fun in the lazy river and on the slides.

** Bailey and Lauren **
** Brody being "lazy" on a tube! **

Monday, June 29, 2009

All-Stars is over

Wow, what a fast and furious (and HOT) month of baseball this has been. All-Stars was great and we're kind of sad to see it end...although it will be kind of nice to have our weekends back! :) Here are some more pics from the season.

** Brody and Hunter **

** Sliding Home **

** Safe!!! **

** Coach Tony and Brody meetin' on the mound **

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Dance Recital 2009

Whew...dance is over for the year and it ended with a bang!!!! Bailey danced her little heart out on that stage and we were so proud of her. I couldn't take any pics during the recital, so here are some before's and after's.

** Backstage before "Kung Fu Fighting" **

** Bailey and Emma before "No Bad News"**

** Hangin' out in the Green Room **

** Bailey and Layne **

** We love Mrs. Michelle! **

** We love Mrs. Leah, too!**

** Nana, Chuck and the kids **

** Mom and Dad and Bailey **

Friday, June 19, 2009

2nd Annual Daddy Daughter Dance

*** Daddy and his little princess at the dance ***

Tom and Bailey went to the 2nd Annual Daddy Daughter Dance tonight at the Brushy Creek Community Center. They went last year and had a great time! I think they're secretly hoping to win the dance contest this year...or at least place!!!! :) I'm hoping I can get some pics of the actual dance from some dad (hint, hint, Robert!) since I didn't send the camera with Tom. But here are a couple pics I took before they headed out. I love this dress on Bailey (thanks, Uncle Josh)!!!

New Addition to the Blackmon Family

Today we added a new addition to our family....a new little kitty named Ace! Our next-door neighbor's friend's cat had kittens and she was needing to find homes for them. So we talked it over and decided we'd adopt one. He's very mellow for a kitten. We introduced him to Boomer and he only hissed a little bit, but then he calmly walked away and they just keep their distance from each other. It went pretty well and I think it might get even better over time.
Anyway, he's snoozing in my lap right now, which I absolutely LOVE! I'm so excited to have a nap partner!!! ;)
Introducing Ace!
Curled up in a magazine basket...

Fine dining...

Found a nice spot to hang out...underneath the coffee table!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


June has been a fun month with LOTS of baseball. Brody made All-Stars at Town & Country. Their team is the Jackhammers. The boys had their nicknames put on the backs of their shirts...Brody decided on B-Rod! His buddies Hunter and Jackson are on his team, too, which makes it even that much more cool!

I don't have a lot of action shots or video yet...will work on that the next couple of weekends. Here's what I have so far!

On our way to a game...
Listening to Coach Tony before the game....

Wearing that eye black like Uncle Chris and Uncle Corey!

Nice group shot and then...

... getting pelted with Coach Tony's water gun! Boy, that probably felt good considering it was close to 100 degrees out that day!!! :)

It's Hammer Time!!!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Videos from Dress Rehearsal

Okay...I'm gonna try this again and see if it will actually load these videos in my lifetime! :) Yep...it worked finally!

*** No Bad News ***

*** Kung Fu Fighting ***

Monday, June 15, 2009

Dress Rehearsal

Bailey's dress rehearsal and dance pictures were today. I think they're ready for the big show on Saturday! My batteries didn't die on me, so I was able to get both dances recorded. Of course, it's taking forever to put the videos on here tonight, so I'm gonna have to quit and try again later! So in the meantime, here are some pics.

Waiting to dance...look alive, girls!!

There's that smile!

For some reason, Bailey wouldn't smile during her jazz routine...guess she wasn't too jazzed about it! Hahaha!!! ;0) Sorry...bad pun!!! I don't think she likes wearing the karate outfit. Looks pretty comfy to me!

Again, waiting to dance...no smile...but still so pretty! :)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sweet brother!

About two weeks ago, Brody asked Bailey if he could fix her lunch...not really sure what prompted that, but it was too cute! He heated her up a frozen dinner, put a tablecloth on the table and lit a candle. What a little gentleman!

Here's a picture...bad quality, I know, but you get the idea! :)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Getting ready for the big recital

Of course my batteries died in the camera on the day when we could go in the studio and record the girls doing' their thang! So needless to say, I didn't get to record everything...got one song in two separate recordings but still didn't get the ending, which is the best part!

Also, the first song is their tap routine, but they had already changed into their jazz shoes when the moms came in, so they just did it in their jazz shoes. Not quite the same effect without all the noise!

Then to top it off once my batteries died, I recorded her jazz routine with my cell phone but the quality stinks! Oh, well, it was just an all-around bad camera experience! But the girls looked great! :)

I can't wait to see them dance all dolled up in their costumes! Hopefully I'll get to record them next week during dress rehearsal.

** Here's the first part of "Don't Nobody Bring Me No Bad News" from The Wiz...tap routine (w/o tap shoes)!!! **

** Another little clip from tap routine. **

** Jazz routine to "Kung Fu Fighting." **

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Bailey's Room Makeover

Whew...I finished redoing Bailey's room...no more cute fairies and flowers on the wall. Have I mentioned how much I hate painting?!?! :) I still need to figure out some curtains (thinking I may have to make some), re-cover her bean bag, and look for a new bulletin board. Other than that, it's pretty much done. I was really happy with the vinyl polka-dot wall art....so easy and can take 'em off and rearrange any time we want to!