Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Christmas 2009

Wow....Christmas came and went really quick this year! Christmas Eve we went out to G-Mom's and G-Dad's with Josh and celebrated Mom's birthday and then went to the candlelight service at their church. Then everybody came over to our house Christmas Day and exchanged gifts. Santa brought lots of fun stuff...iPod Nanos for the kids being the biggest hit! Bailey's favorite gift from Mom and Dad was her American Girl Doll.

We had the Blackmon Christmas at Chuck and Tami's and had a good time over there. Then the kids went to Nana's for a couple of days by themselves....Tom and I joined them right before the New Year...got to make a double Christmas/New Year celebration with them. Unfortunately, the camera didn't make it to any of the get-togethers except for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. :( I'll do better next year!

Christmas Eve in front of G-Dad's Virtual Fireplace
Enjoying some snow flurries...it's a shame none of it stuck!

Cookies for Santa
Bailey's Letter to Santa

Brody's Letter
Bailey opening up her American Girl Doll...close to tears!

Sheer joy!
Together at last!
No comment from Mom.....

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