Friday, August 28, 2009

Tile Project #2

Okay, it's been a couple of months since we tiled the kids' bathroom, and since we're about to start fall baseball and softball in a couple of weeks, we decided we'd better get busy on the gameroom bathroom before life gets really crazy again! I haven't cared for this floor since we moved in 6 1/2 years ago, so I am very excited for the change that's coming!!! Oh, and I remembered to take before pictures this time...yay!

** Old floor just begging to be ripped up! **

Today Brody and Tom helped me take off the quarter round along the baseboards, take out the potty, and rip up the green floor!!!! Whoo-hoo!! We're hoping to put the new subfloor on tomorrow so I can lay the new tile out dry on Sunday. If life is not TOO crazy next week, hopefully we can stay motivated and finish up by next weekend! :)

Got the subfloor down!

Laid the full tiles out...need to make the cuts. Not sure how much more is going to get done before Disney!

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