Friday, August 28, 2009

Tile Project #2

Okay, it's been a couple of months since we tiled the kids' bathroom, and since we're about to start fall baseball and softball in a couple of weeks, we decided we'd better get busy on the gameroom bathroom before life gets really crazy again! I haven't cared for this floor since we moved in 6 1/2 years ago, so I am very excited for the change that's coming!!! Oh, and I remembered to take before pictures this time...yay!

** Old floor just begging to be ripped up! **

Today Brody and Tom helped me take off the quarter round along the baseboards, take out the potty, and rip up the green floor!!!! Whoo-hoo!! We're hoping to put the new subfloor on tomorrow so I can lay the new tile out dry on Sunday. If life is not TOO crazy next week, hopefully we can stay motivated and finish up by next weekend! :)

Got the subfloor down!

Laid the full tiles out...need to make the cuts. Not sure how much more is going to get done before Disney!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Brody on KGOE

The kids' school has a news program every morning that's run by the 5th graders. Brody got to be an anchor on the first day of school this year. He did a great job. He said he was very nervous, but I don't think he showed it one bit!

** Brody and Hannah **

** Check out the video clips! **

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

First Day of School

Today was the first day of the 2009-2010 school year! Here are some pics of our little Great Oaks Geckos on this big morning!

** The 2nd grader! **
** The 5th grader! **

** They're growing up too fast! **

** Bailey with Mrs. Eichel. **

** Bailey at her desk. **

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Welcome Walk 2009

The kids' school has a really neat way for the kids to meet their teachers at the beginning of the school year...they have a "Welcome Walk." All the teachers go to each student's home and introduce themselves. It is always so much fun waiting to see which teacher is going to ring the doorbell! :) Here are pictures from Welcome Walk last week!

** Bailey and Mrs. Eichel, her 2nd grade teacher. **

** Brody and Mrs. Wilson, his 5th grade teacher. **

Monday, August 17, 2009

Sunflowers at Nana's

Rangers/Red Sox Weekend

We went to Dallas this past weekend to see Brenda, Chuck and the boys. To celebrate Chris' birthday, we went to a Rangers/Red Sox game. We had a great time at the game (despite some Bailey drama)!

** Walking up to the Ballpark in Arlington. **

** Big Papi up to bat! **

** Brody doesn't need much of an excuse to pick his nose, especially if he has a new foam finger!!!! **

** Bailey and her new friend, Tex. **

Jen's Birthday Get-Together at Josh's

Thursday, August 13, 2009

New Roof

We had a nasty hail storm in June and just had our roof replaced this week. We went with a little bit darker color than the original roof (it actually is more black looking than in these pictures) and I think it turned out pretty good.

I wasn't quite prepared for how loud that whole process was going to be. I'm really glad it only took two days...I don't know how long I could have stood it! :)

Thursday, August 6, 2009

VBS 2009 at FBC Round Rock - Boomerang Express

We had 426 children attend Vacation Bible School this year, with 19 making a decision for Christ! What a great week! :)

** Bailey and her buddies! **
** They're supposed to be koalas and kangaroos, but they look like monkeys to me! :0) **

** My 3-year-olds class having music time with Mr. Glen and his helpers! **