Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Tile Project

Tom and I recently decided to tile our upstairs bathrooms ourselves instead of paying someone to do it for us. We're starting with the kids' bathroom first (and if we're still married when it's finished, then we'll move on to the gameroom bathroom)!! We tore up the old floor about 3 weeks ago...needless to say, the kids are still showering in our bathroom!! This past weekend we got busy, though, and all the tiles are cut and laid out dry. Now if I can find some time to get to the mortar part! I'm hoping next weekend I'll be able to post on here that we're all through (at least with one bathroom anyway)!

Here's what the dry run looks like. I'm bummed that I forgot to take before pics! Oh, well, I remember what it looked like and am ready for the change!!! :)

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