Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Tile Project

Tom and I recently decided to tile our upstairs bathrooms ourselves instead of paying someone to do it for us. We're starting with the kids' bathroom first (and if we're still married when it's finished, then we'll move on to the gameroom bathroom)!! We tore up the old floor about 3 weeks ago...needless to say, the kids are still showering in our bathroom!! This past weekend we got busy, though, and all the tiles are cut and laid out dry. Now if I can find some time to get to the mortar part! I'm hoping next weekend I'll be able to post on here that we're all through (at least with one bathroom anyway)!

Here's what the dry run looks like. I'm bummed that I forgot to take before pics! Oh, well, I remember what it looked like and am ready for the change!!! :)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Bailey's new do!

Yesterday afternoon Bailey came in and asked me if we could go get her hair cut. So we went to Great Clips and had it chopped off...leaving just enough for a little ponytail for dance and softball! :) On the way home, I asked her what made her decide to get it cut (because she hadn't mentioned it EVER until that day). She told me that she was playing with her little Sweet Street dolls and that one of the girl dolls had the same hair color as hers and it was short and cute and that she thought hers would look good cut like that! I thought it was so precious! :) Also she lost a tooth yesterday! What a day!!! Doesn't she look older?! (sigh)

Friday, April 17, 2009

I did it!!!

Yay...I figured out the music...check it out! :)

Not sure about this

Okay, I'm going to try this whole blog thing out. I really want music on my page, but until Brandie's back in town to walk me through that, I'll have to wait! :) I got the slideshow on here, but don't like where it is and can't seem to fit it on the side of the page without cutting it in half...again, need Brandie! Anyway, I think once I get this all figured out, it might be a pretty neat way to share what's going on with us with all my friends and family who won't get on Facebook!! Hahahaha!

Baseball and Softball

The kids are really enjoying baseball season. Tom is helping coach both teams, so we're pretty busy!!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Easter highlights

We had a nice Easter. Went to church and then out to Mom and Dad's for lunch. Bailey was VERY excited about what the Easter Bunny brought her...a Build-A-Bear bunny named Bunny Boo (like my nickname for her...Bailey Boo)!! Brody was equally happy with his new new Mario Kart DS game. Of course, lots of Easter candy was eaten by all!!!