Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Children's Choir Musical - GPS (God's Plan of Salvation)

Brody did a great job in the musical this year. He had a small speaking role for the first time, which he was very excited about!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Brody's 11th Birthday

I can't believe Brody is 11 years old! His birthday was this past Saturday...wow! We had a nice family dinner with Grandmom and Granddad and Josh....friends party is in a couple weeks. Also, Jennifer came into town because, of course, she practically IS family! It was a great weekend!

Mom and the Birthday Boy
Aunt Jen and Brody
Aunt Jen and Bailey

Brody's birthday present from us...a new bike!
Happy Birthday to you...

Make a WISH!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Regional Science Fair

Brody's 5th grade science project was chosen, along with several of his classmates', to advance to the Regional Science Fair, February 27th, at the Palmer Events Center. The judges gave out either a first, second or third place ribbon to each elementary participant, and Brody received a first place! We made a real fun (but LONG) day out of it....Mom, Dad and Josh even came down and had lunch with us at Shady Grove.

Just relaxing after the judging

Lunch at Shady Grove...yummy!

Blue Ribbon!
Awards Ceremony!