Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

We had a nice much to be thankful for. Here are some pictures from our Annual Family Christmas Card Photo Shoot. This year we went to a park in Sun City in Georgetown.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Well, I'm just getting around to putting Halloween stuff on here. We had a good time trick-or-treating with the Youngs and friends and hanging out at their house afterwards. This year Bailey was kind of a punky pirate, Brody was a rapper, and I was Raggedy Ann. We thought Tom was going to be hunting that weekend, so we didn't get him a costume. When he didn't end up going, we just decided that a name tag that said "Andy" would work just fine!

The Youngs - Robert really freaked me out with his mask! Funny stuff!!!

Ronnie, Kelly and their little monkey, Railey!

Now these are some cute pirates!

Enjoying their loot!

Gameroom bathroom floor is DONE!!!

We finally finished the new floor in the gameroom bathroom...yay!!!!! Here are a few before and after pics.

** Before **
** After **