Friday, October 16, 2009

Inner Space Cavern - Field Trip

Bailey's class went to Inner Space Cavern in Georgetown yesterday for a fun field trip! Check out the pics!

** Waiting to go explorin'! **

** First stop underground...class picture! **

** I know this is really hard to see, but the little brown blob in this picture is one of the two bats we saw. This one was hanging right above the pathway. Fortunately, we didn't wake it up! :0) **

** My sweet little cave girl! **
** Moon Lake. We were very lucky to be able to see water in it. We've had a lot of rain lately! Our guide says it takes 4-7 days for the water to seep through the ground into the cave. **

** One last picture before heading back to school. **
** Bailey and her friend, Lauryn...isn't this sweet?! **

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Bailey's 8th Birthday

I can't believe my baby girl turned 8 last month! Wow...time is flying! She had a little party with a few close friends. After pizza, cookie cake, and presents, it was off to get mani/pedis! Then it was back to the house for popcorn, The Hannah Montana Movie, and a sleepover! It was a fun night! Here are some pics from her party.

** Password Journal - her fav gift!! **

** G-Mom and G-Dad **

** Aunt Jen **

** Look at all those pretty nails! **