Sunday, May 31, 2009

NCAA Austin Regional UT Game - Makin' History

Brody and Tom went with Robert to a UT baseball game last night and got to witness college baseball history being made.....the game was a whopping 25 innings long! Just in case you're wondering, that's about a 7 hour long game!!! Brody was really excited about the about 6 players to sign a baseball for him. Also, Colt McCoy was sitting about three rows down from them, so he got his autograph, too! What a fun boys' night out (even if it was to a darn t.u. game)! I'm beginning to think the only chance I have of him following in my footsteps to A&M is if we move to Aggieland and expose him to all things Aggie. Oh, well, we could always be a house divided! :)

It's kind of hard to see on the picture below (probably should make this picture a little bigger!), but Colt McCoy is the one in the center with the white hat looking to the right.
Here's Brody getting Austin Wood's autograph. Austin pitched 13 innings...about 160!!

The boys....

Friday, May 22, 2009


The kids had a great proud of them! Brody was selected for All-Stars, so we'll be at the ballpark all June! Yea, Brody!!!!

Shot some video of Brody practing his pitching in the front yard. See, this is what our family does for fun! :)

Also, here's a video of Bailey doing a silly dance...I think it's about time to get her ready for that dance recital!

Tile Project Update

Okay...the kids' bathroom is finally done!!! I think it turned out great, if I do say so myself! :) The only thing I want to do now is replace the light fixture, but it may have to wait a little bit....I promised Bailey I'd paint her room next. She's tired of the fairies and flowers. :( Then I'll get around to replacing that light fixture and moving on to tile the gameroom bathroom...I'm already tired thinking about it!

Funny story about the bathroom update: You know, I got rid of all the kiddy stuff in there, new shower curtain (no more puppy and kitty stuff), framed the mirror, etc. And the first time Brody went in there to "take care of business" he came out and said, "Mom, I feel so mature in our bathroom now"! Hahahaha!!!!

Note: The pics don't show the potty back in, but obviously we managed to do that, too (Thanks, Robert B.!)...otherwise Brody couldn't have taken care of business! :) Also, the star pics were a little photography project I tried. I love stars so much and started going crazy taking pictures of them! Two of the pics are from the ITC in San Antonio and two were taken at Mom and Dad's house....they have stars everywhere!