Friday, December 18, 2009

No Trail of Lights This Year

Dance Works didn't perform at the Trail of Lights this year, so instead each group "performed" a little Christmas routine in class this week. Bailey's class had a lot of girls missing, so they had to make some last-minute adjustments to the choreography. Enjoy watching this little dance to "Run, Run, Rudolph"....and Merry Christmas from Bailey and her friends at The Dance Works!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

We had a nice much to be thankful for. Here are some pictures from our Annual Family Christmas Card Photo Shoot. This year we went to a park in Sun City in Georgetown.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Well, I'm just getting around to putting Halloween stuff on here. We had a good time trick-or-treating with the Youngs and friends and hanging out at their house afterwards. This year Bailey was kind of a punky pirate, Brody was a rapper, and I was Raggedy Ann. We thought Tom was going to be hunting that weekend, so we didn't get him a costume. When he didn't end up going, we just decided that a name tag that said "Andy" would work just fine!

The Youngs - Robert really freaked me out with his mask! Funny stuff!!!

Ronnie, Kelly and their little monkey, Railey!

Now these are some cute pirates!

Enjoying their loot!

Gameroom bathroom floor is DONE!!!

We finally finished the new floor in the gameroom bathroom...yay!!!!! Here are a few before and after pics.

** Before **
** After **

Friday, October 16, 2009

Inner Space Cavern - Field Trip

Bailey's class went to Inner Space Cavern in Georgetown yesterday for a fun field trip! Check out the pics!

** Waiting to go explorin'! **

** First stop underground...class picture! **

** I know this is really hard to see, but the little brown blob in this picture is one of the two bats we saw. This one was hanging right above the pathway. Fortunately, we didn't wake it up! :0) **

** My sweet little cave girl! **
** Moon Lake. We were very lucky to be able to see water in it. We've had a lot of rain lately! Our guide says it takes 4-7 days for the water to seep through the ground into the cave. **

** One last picture before heading back to school. **
** Bailey and her friend, Lauryn...isn't this sweet?! **

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Bailey's 8th Birthday

I can't believe my baby girl turned 8 last month! Wow...time is flying! She had a little party with a few close friends. After pizza, cookie cake, and presents, it was off to get mani/pedis! Then it was back to the house for popcorn, The Hannah Montana Movie, and a sleepover! It was a fun night! Here are some pics from her party.

** Password Journal - her fav gift!! **

** G-Mom and G-Dad **

** Aunt Jen **

** Look at all those pretty nails! **

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Disney World 2009

Disney World was truly magical! We had a blast, but we're glad to be back home!!! Here are some highlights!

Day 1 - Magic Kingdom
After we got all checked in at our hotel (All Star Music), we went to the Magic Kingdom. We got to meet some of the princesses, Mickey and Minnie, hung out in ToonTown, Fantasy Land and Tomorrow Land.

*Housekeeping made really cute things out of our towels every day! **

** Daddy and his little princess. **

** Outside of Minnie's house. **
** Mickey and Minnie! **

** Princess Aurora to Brody: "You must be a very brave dragon slayer to bring all these princesses along with you"! :)
** Belle **
** Cinderella **

Day 2 - Hollywood Studios!
Favorite rides: Rocking Rollercoaster (Brody and Bailey wouldn't ride it this day...went back another day and rode it and LOVED it) and Toy Story Mania. Great shows - Beauty and the Beast and The Little Mermaid. Ended the day at the Sci-Fi Dinner Theater!

** Grace and Emma were the only brave kids to ride this one with the adults! ** ** Absolute favorite ride! **

** Beauty and the Beast...great show!!! **
** Toy Story friends **
** Kids and the cars!
** Dinner at the Sci-Fi Dinner Theater (kind of like an indoor drive-in movie! **

Day 3 - Back to Magic Kingdom for a whole day.

We started out this day with an awesome breakfast at the Royal Table at Cinderella's Castle where we got to meet LOTS of princesses!

Favorite Rides: Splash Mountain was by far the favorite of the day! Also enjoyed Big Thunder Mountain Railroad and It's A Small World (can't stop singing the song)! Space Mountain was closed for renovations (boo)!!

Favorite Show: Mickey's Philharmagic!!!
We ended the day with the Spectromagic Parade and fireworks. Bailey is deathly afraid of fireworks, so Tom and I ended up taking her back to the hotel during the parade. But what we saw of it was terrific!
** Five princesses and one brave prince! **
Believe it or not, Tom said this was his first time to ride on a!!!

** At the Royal Table! **
** Snow White **
** Jasmine **
** All ready for Mickey's Philharmagic! **
** Ariel (She was Tom's favorite..hee, hee!) **
** Pooh's house **
** Tinkerbell - Bailey was so excited to meet her that she took her Tinkerbell lunchbox and had her autograph it! **
** Donald Duck in Frontier Land **
** Favorite ride of the day - Splash Mountain **
** Me and my little prince on Aladdin's Magic Carpet Ride **

Day 4 - Animal Kingdom

This was the park I was most looking forward to going to and it didn't disappoint!!

Favorite Ride: Expedition Everest
Favorite Shows: Nemo and Lion King

We qualified for what's called group gatherings since we had a party of 10 people, so we ended our day with a Safari Celebration. We did the Kilamanjaro Safari and then had dinner at the Tusker House restaurant. The food was out of this world and the entertainment was super! The kids also got to meet Rafiki and Timon! We literally closed the park that night....great way to end the day!

** Expedition Everest - I still can't believe Bailey rode this one! Wow!!!! **

** Waiting for the Safari Celebration to start **

** Mama Deja was our lady! **

** Young Blackmon Gathering at Tusker House **** Rafiki and Timon **

Day 5 - Epcot

Epcot day was a little sad for me because I got a migraine after lunch and ended up having to go back to the hotel for several hours, so I missed pretty much all of the World Showcase. :( But after sleeping and taking some medicine, I made it back for dinner in Canada at Le Cellier filet mignon I've ever had!!!

Favorite Rides: Soarin', Mission Space and Test Track

Favorite Show: Talking With Crush!!!!! Totally righteous, Dude! :)

Also, the kids really enjoyed playing the Kim Possible game in a couple of countries!

** Daisy **

** Dinner in Canada **

** My Chocolate "Moose"! **

Day 6 - Hollywood Studios, Blizzard Beach and Polynesian Resort

On our last day, we went back to Hollywood Studios to catch some things we missed like the Indiana Jones Show and the Studio Back Lot Tour...and we managed to squeeze in a couple more rides on the Rocking Rollercoaster!!!

After lunch we went to Blizzard Beach, one of the two Disney water parks. The kids had a lot of fun!

For dinner we went to the Polynesian Resort for the Spirit of Aloha Dinner Show. The kids were all REALLY tired, but it was still a neat show.

** One last ride (or two) on Rocking Rollercoaster! **

** Cool chair lift to the top of the mountain for a fun family raft ride down! **

** Spirit of Aloha Dinner Show **

** The kids got to learn a little dance! **

Disney World.....

....where dreams really do come true!