Monday, July 12, 2010


I've been bad about posting this summer. I'll get back on here later this week and post some new posts and pics.

In the meantime, here are a couple of our Summer Highlights (which is not much!):

Brody went off to his first away-from-home camp a couple of weeks ago and had a blast! BUT he broke his arm on the next-to-last day. So that has thrown a little kink into the rest of our no basketball summer league or beach trip. :(

Bailey's going to her church camp this week at Reunion Ranch in Georgetown.

Me and the kids are going to see Jennifer next weekend. Since we've had to postpone our Galveston trip, we'll get to see Chris play some baseball in Bryan instead.

Will post more later....gotta get back to work! :)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Dance Recital

Bailey and her class did an awesome job at the recital! Here are some pics from the big night!

** Bailey and Mrs. Michelle **

Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Power of a Praying Parent

I've had the book "The Power of a Praying Parent" by Stormie Omartian for a long time now, and I still haven't finished it yet. In fact, it's one that sadly gets forgotten when a bestselling novel comes along and catches my eye. But then I'll see it sitting on my desk and I'll pick it up and read a chapter or two. Each chapter discusses praying for your children in all the different areas of their lives...and then at the end of each chapter, it lists "Weapons of Warfare" or Bible verses to support that chapter. It's an excellent book and I'd recommend it to all parents....even parents of adults! Who knows...I might even finish it this summer! :)

The following excerpt really spoke to me, especially at the ending of yet another school year, where I'm reminded how fast my kids are growing up:

"We can't be everywhere. But God can. We can't see everything. But God can. No matter what age our children are, releasing them into God's hands is a sign of our faith and trust in Him and is the first step toward making a difference in their lives. Prayer for our children begins there."

Never cease praying, friends!!!

Brody's 5th Grade Graduation

Wow...I can't believe Brody is already finished with elementary school. Where has the time gone?! And if elementary school flew by this quickly, how fast will middle school go? It's enough to make a mama cry!

Here are some pictures from the 5th Grade Graduation ceremony. We are so proud of Brody and can't wait to see what the next chapter holds for him! Cedar Valley Middle School, here he comes!!!

** Receiving his certificate from Mrs. Wilson.**

** Shaking hands with Mrs. Stowe, GOE principal. **
** Proud Mom and Dad **
** Proud Grandmom and Granddad **

** Mrs. Wilson **
** Mrs. Aclin **
** Brody receiving his certificate! **

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Dance Dress Rehearsal

Bailey's dress rehearsal was last night...recital next week! Here are some pics and videos...

Tap Routine!

Jazz Routine!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

More Braces!

Brody got his braces today...just another milestone. He's hurting pretty bad right now, though. :(

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Brody's Last KGOE Broadcast at Great Oaks Elementary

At the end of the year, all the 5th graders get to go on the school's morning news broadcast and say the things they will remember most about their elementary years...and today was Brody's day!
** Wilson's Wonders **
** Brody and Ryan **
** Getting Ready **

I will always remember....